About Me

Kalp Patel

Software Deveopler | CS Grad Student | AI Enthusiast | Gamer

My Career

Microchip Technology

June 2021 - Present
Software Engineer 2


Developed internal large scale data analysis tools for automated process control in high volume manufacturing using SQL pathfinder, Power BI, and Flask. Improved user experience and interaction by developing a web application for tracking quality issues. Increased web application’s reliability and availability by hosting MySQL database to DBaaS and Web‑App to Cloud Foundry platform.

Sep 2020 - May 2021
Software Engineering Intern

Apollo Education Group

Developed micro‑services using SpringBoot and frontend components using React/Redux for the MyPhoenix student portal. Implemented automated smoke test scripts for micro‑services using Postman and for front‑end using TestCafe. Created CMS components using Adobe Experience Manager (AEM).

May 2020 - Aug 2020
Software Engineering Intern

Acoustic Ecology Lab, ASU

Developed digital signal processing tool on both raspberry pi and remote microprocessors (audio recorder) to detect the gunshot in the wilderness areas. Implemented a web application using flask and MYSQL database for event detection in an audio file. Used AWS EC2 for hosting and CNN for event detection. Created tool for generating audio data visuals (MFCC and spectrograms) on the web application.

Nov. 2019 - May 2020
Software Developer

Arizona State University

GPA 4.0 | Courses Taken :- Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Mobile computing, Statistical Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data processing at Scale, Foundations of Algorithms

Aug 2019 - May 2021
Master of Science in Computer Science

Thoughtmate Systems

Implemented a voice detection system in Gujarati language using CNN and audio processing tools (librosa, MatLab) to improve local customer engagement. Improved the performance of the voice detection system by developing an android application for collecting audio samples. Automated the pre‑processing of audio samples collected from the android application and merged it with MySQL repository.

Apr 2018 - Aug 2018
Machine Learning Intern

Softvan LTD

Created an efficient web application using Spring and Hibernate for centralizing the management of nearby blood bank inventories. Implemented the real‑time inventory update functionality for the blood bank owners.

Apr 2017 - June 2017
Web Development Intern

Gujarat Technological University

GPA 3.7 | Courses Taken :- Data Structures, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Big Data, Data Mining, Object Oriented programming with Java and C++, Database Management Systems, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Compiler Design, Web Technology ,Python Programming.

July 2015 - Apr 2019
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering

My Skills

My Projects

Automated Waiter Bot Planning

Created an automated waiter bot planning environment where the waiter bot can complete various tasks like picking up food from the kitchen, serving food at the table and collecting empty dishes parallel using Robot Operating System.

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Gesture Recognition using AWS

Developed an online application service using AWS to recognize a gesture from the video with hand signs. Developed a server based android application for efficiently and remotely collecting video data of gestures for the training purpose.

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Context Aware iRobot(Roomba)

Implemented voice driven and image driven command functionality for an iRobot Roomba (House cleaning robot) with help of voice and image recognition.

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Meal Detector using CGM series

Used for Insulin Pump attached to a diabetic person to determine when to eject an insulin and what amount using CGM sensors.

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Path/Plan Finder Bot

Implemented Astar, Ucs, Gbfs, Bfs algorithm for a Path-finder robot in an environment with obstacles using Robot operating System. Implemented Plan-finder robot which finds a plan for an environment with full of books and bins which collects and puts each book into their corresponding bins.

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